How to build the JBeans project. First follow one of these procedures to obtain the source code:
Obtaining the source via the anonymous CVS:
1. Using the CVS executable, execute this command to login to the JBeans anonymous CVS server:
cvs login
2. Once logged in, you can retrieve the entire CVS repository which includes the source code with
this command:
cvs co jbeans
Obtaining the source via the project download:
1. Since the project downloads also contain the source, you can download the source by downloading
one of the project zip files from SourceForge. The full URL is From
this URL you can download the latest project release zip file.
2. Unzip the file into a directory called jbeans (or whatever).
Now change into the jbeans directory and you should notice a few things. First, the source code
is located in the src/ directory. Second, there is an ant build.xml file in the root directory.
The JBeans project uses ant for building. You either need to get a copy of ant from the Apache
Foundation website or somewhere else, if you don't already have it. Next, from the root directory,
all you need to do is execute ant using the command:
This will execute the build.xml build file and compile all the source files. You can also execute
this command to build and jar the JBeans packages:
ant jar
That's it. You should now have the compiled class files in the classes/ directory and the JBeans jar
file in the root directory (if you built the jar file).